
[국제]3rd US Election Andy Kim “Close cooperation between Korea and the US is important… Pressure from the Republican Party to review the IRA”


Representative Andy Kim, a Korean-American who won a third term in the US mid-term elections, emphasized the close cooperation between the two countries against North Korea’s provocations, saying, “I want to play an important role in foreign and security affairs. “

It was predicted that persuading the Republican Party, which took the lead in the House of Representatives, would be important in order to amend the Inflation Reduction Act, which caused controversy over discrimination against Korean electric vehicles.

This is Washington Correspondent Kwon Joon-gi.


Representative Andy Kim started the video interview by talking about Korea’s advancement to the round of 16 of the World Cup.

[앤디김 / 미국 하원 의원 (민주당 3선 당선) : 월드컵에서 한국팀 경기를 볼 수 있어서 즐겁습니다. 대표팀의 월요일 16강 경기가 기대 됩니다.]

Democratic Party lawmaker Andy Kim, who is the first Korean to win a third term in 26 years, said he was honored to be the most elected Korean in the United States.

He emphasized that the issue of the Korean Peninsula is one of the main priority policy issues of the Biden administration, saying that he would like to play an important role by using his expertise in foreign affairs and security during this term.

At the same time, he said that close cooperation should be continued, such as the recent series of sanctions against North Korea by the United States and Japan, in the face of North Korea’s missile provocation.

[앤디김 / 미국 하원 의원 (민주당 3선 당선) : 이번 주 단행한 추가 제재와 같은 조치를 포함해 우리의 힘을 보여줄 수 있는 한미 공조를 계속 강화해 나가야 합니다. 최근 잇따른 미사일 도발과 같은 상황에서 더욱 그렇습니다.]

Regarding the relocation of tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula, he said he knew there was no request from the South Korean government, and that it was more important to strengthen ROK-US joint military exercises and improve cyber security capabilities against North Korea.

Regarding the Inflation Reduction Act, which triggered the issue of discrimination in electric vehicle subsidies, the key was predicted to persuade the Republican Party, which took the initiative in the House of Representatives to amend the bill.

[앤디김 / 미국 하원 의원 (민주당 3선 당선) : 저는 공화당을 압박하기 위해 노력해 왔습니다. 특히 특히 공화당이 하원 의장을 차지하게 된 상황에서는 더욱 그렇습니다.]

Representative Andy Kim, a second-generation American immigrant, is a foreign and security affairs expert who served as an adviser to the National Security Council during the Obama administration, and accompanied House Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan last summer.

This is YTN Junki Kwon from Washington.

YTN Junki Kwon (

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