
[백브리핑AI] GS, CU convenience store head office performance ‘highest in history’ … Store owner shouted.

[인포스탁데일리=김영택 기자] It was found that the convenience store’s headquarters managed to break last year’s record.

However, they found that the profits of franchisees operating convenience stores have fallen.

Last year, GS Retail’s convenience store division, which ranked first in the convenience store industry, achieved KRW 7.21 trillion in sales.

BGF Retail also recorded 5.77 trillion won in sales and 18.25 trillion won in 7-Eleven sales during the same period.

All three convenience store headquarters achieved good results, and this atmosphere continues this year as well.

However, sales at individual convenience stores fell.

According to the Fair Trading Commission, average sales at GS25 convenience stores fell by 8% and 7-Eleven by 3% compared to three years ago.

Fortunately, CU remained at a similar level.

Experts analyzed that although the convenience store headquarters recorded record sales, the drop in convenience store store sales was due to excessive competition to open stores.

Since there are many convenience stores in limited space, the sales of store owners are decreasing.

In fact, the number of convenience stores that were saturated in 2018 was 42,000, but is now over 50,000.

If the number of convenience stores increases, the sales of the headquarters will inevitably increase.

In particular, the greater the number of convenience stores, the higher the efficiency of operations such as logistics costs.

In some places, the head office sales staff of the convenience store have been known to set up a new convenience store in an area where business is good and means that sales are shared.

In this case, the sales of convenience store A will gradually decrease, and the new convenience store B can reduce the risk to some extent, thereby benefiting the seller or head office.

Yang-oh Choi, head of the ISD Corporate Policy Research Institute, said, “If the number of convenience stores increases, the sales of each store will inevitably decrease.”

Reporter Kim Young-taek

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