
3 good ingredients to eat when making ‘Ounwan’

‘Ounwan’ is a trend. Today, there are about 2.7 million Instagram posts with the #Ounwan tag certifying the completion of the exercise.

People who exercise as part of their daily life even say that eating healthy is exercise. Eating well helps muscle growth, and quickly relieves muscle fatigue and improves exercise performance the next day. We present three ingredients that go beyond ‘Ounwan’ and are effective in completing tomorrow’s exercise.

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1. Milk Thistle

Excessive daily strength training and a protein-rich diet such as chicken breast, eggs, and protein shakes can also increase liver levels. Milk thistle helps to reduce elevated liver levels.

Milk thistle contains a key ingredient called silymarin. Silymarin acts as an antioxidant to help the damaged liver regenerate. It is also a functional ingredient recognized by the Food and Drug Safety Administration as ‘may help liver health’.

Silymarin can also have a positive effect on muscle growth by protecting liver cells. The liver synthesizes about 50 GB of protein each day, but if the liver is damaged, protein synthesis is not performed properly, making it difficult to effectively synthesize muscle.

2. B vitamins

B vitamins produce kinetic energy and participate in all phases of muscle growth and recovery. In particular, vitamins B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin) are necessary for carbohydrate and energy metabolism and help relieve physical fatigue.

Vitamin B6 is a nutrient needed to use protein and amino acids, and is good to take during muscle training. Vitamin B7 (biotin) is required for energy production and is heavily involved in the metabolism of three macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. As such, B vitamins are essential nutrients for energy production, but they are difficult to obtain from food, so it is best to supplement them through nutritional supplements.

3. Rhodiola extract

Rhodiola is a plant with strong vitality that grows in cold alpine areas. In order to withstand the cold environment, the root produces a component called ‘rosabine’. Rosabin, contained in rhododendron root, is renowned for relieving anxiety and stress.

If the fatigue accumulated during exercise is not properly relieved after exercise, swelling of the limbs or aggravated by chronic fatigue, it is recommended to consume rosabin, a functional component of honggyeongcheon extract. Rosabin has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its role as ‘helping to improve fatigue caused by stress’.

If it is difficult to get every ingredient every time, you can find a complex nutritional supplement. There are functional health foods on the market that include milk thistle, vitamin B group, and rhododendron extract to help protect the liver and improve muscles.