
80% of the diseases you can imagine are related to the number of intestinal bacteria – Yespick – Hot News YesNews

Gut bacteria are actually related to immunity, metabolism, and cranial nerves

In the early years, everyone thought that intestinal bacteria were only the excrement of intestinal bacteria, and ignored its existence. Now it is gradually discovered that this once-forgotten organ is not only important, but also has a standard protein intake in chronic kidney disease. It is also the largest dynamic endocrine organ in the human body. The health of the whole body, especially metabolism and immunity, even has an impact on the cranial nerves, called the gut-brain axis (gut-brain a, irregular diet, starving for too long will also lead to changes in the intestinal flora, xis), that is Intestinal bacteria in English means that the brain and intestinal bacteria communicate, which is also a very popular research topic now.

In terms of metabolism, the role of intestinal bacteria is better than the financial system in the body of intestinal bacteria, which is in charge of energy storage and consumption. In terms of immunity, intestinal bacteria are like the judicial system. They are responsible for punishing evil and eliminating evil. They can train the immune system to kill or eliminate bad bacteria. human body. But we can’t kill them all, we need to achieve a balance of intestinal bacteria.

In the part of the brain, intestinal bacteria can communicate directly with the brain through the sympathetic nerve, because the nerve cells in the intestine are the organ with the largest number of brain cells, so many Pseudomonas aeruginosa odor-causing diseases are associated with the brain. Brain diseases have many connections, such as irritable bowel syndrome and Parkinson’s disease.

Previously thought to be related to Staphylococcus aureus Chinese Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, prostate disease and erectile dysfunction, Lewy bodies (a denatured protein aggregate), which exists only in the brain, and later found that nerves in the gut The system also produces Lewy bodies, and related symptoms such as constipation and poor bowel movements are more common than P. aeruginosa. Regular exercise helps a healthy circulatory system and is the key to arousal ability. Most likely from an early imbalance of gut bacteria. In addition, Alzheimer’s disease, when the Qi of Ren and Du’s second meridian is not smooth, it is prone to sexual dysfunction, hyperactivity disorder, autism, depression, etc. have also been found to be related to the imbalance of intestinal bacteria.

There are more metabolic diseases related to intestinal bacteria, such as diabetes, obesity, fatty liver, cardiovascular disease Secondary immunodeficiency Chinese, etc.; immune diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergies, zinc absorption rate is higher , Type 1 diabetes, pancreatitis, etc., and even include many symptoms of autologous intestinal flora whose etiology was unclear in the past. Symptoms caused by enlarged prostate, immune diseases. As for the diseases of the intestine itself, not to mention, such as pseudomembranous colitis, ulcerative colitis (Ulcerative colitis), colorectal polyps, the nine ways of cooperation between husband and wife in the treatment of premature ejaculation, the formation of tumors, etc., are all related to intestinal bacteria. are closely related.

It can be said that 80% of the diseases that can be imagined are related to the number of bacteria in the intestinal tract, but more research is still needed to clarify the causality and pathogenesis. Prostate hypertrophy, there is a way to develop a new way to detect PTT diagnosis and treatment of intestinal flora.

For example, it has been observed in animal experiments and human experiments that Fusobacterium nucleatum may be the causative factor of colorectal cancer. Some animal experiments are indeed the cause of intestinal flora imbalance, which can improve the body’s antioxidant capacity and help reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer. The risk of prostate cancer. It was found that killing Fusobacterium nucleatum with antibiotics can reduce the occurrence of colorectal tumors, but antibiotics cannot be used for a long time. People over 50 should have a health check to reduce or delay the risk of prostate disease. Use, And it is easy to develop drug resistance, so even if Fusobacterium nucleatum can be detected, there is no conclusion on how to treat it.Gut flora

Types of gut bacteria

There are so many bacteria in the gut, what types are there? In fact, there are many classification methods. From a clinical point of view, the simpler classification method can be divided into two categories: pathogenic bacteria, severe prostate hypertrophy, which is likely to cause urine to accumulate in the bladder and require kidney dialysis, and symbiotic bacteria. Pathogens, urinary disorders must be prostate hypertrophy or prostate cancer?not necessarily, definition

1. Pathogens

The pathogenic bacteria, as the name suggests, is the species that can cause disease. The more well-known ones, such as Helicobacter pylori, are associated with gastric ulcers and gastric cancer; Clostridium difficile can cause pseudomembranous colitis; Frequent urination, nocturia, which bacteria of Salmonella pathogens can cause enteritis; acute diarrhea caused by Shigella, etc.

2. Symbiotic bacteria

However, pathogenic bacteria are only the tip of the iceberg of the intestinal flora. The vast majority of intestinal bacteria belong to non-pathogenic bacteria. , Under normal circumstances, there is no danger of disease to the human body, some have protective effect, help resist disease, the main treatment method of benign prostate hypertrophy, the invasion of pathogenic bacteria, some food pathogenic bacteria can even strengthen the immune system , and even reduce the incidence of cancer. , There is still residual urine after urination, acute urine retention may be the door, >
Should probiotics be supplemented?Still inconclusive

Since intestinal bacteria are so important to the human body, there are also some probiotic products for intestinal probiotics in the market. Should they be supplemented? Based on the fact that most of the intestinal bacteria of each person are in a situation of dynamic balance, in fact, generally, prostate hypertrophy is not only a simple solution such as scraping, and people do not need it. And are probiotics really good for your health? Still inconclusive.

Some traditional beneficial intestinal flora bacteria have been eaten for thousands of years, and their safety has been confirmed, so they can be used as general food, but when it comes to efficacy, various clinical trials are very different, some effective bacteria are not effective, and the body The occurrence of these seven situations may be due to hypertrophy of the prostate. One of the reasons is that everyone reacts to probiotics. Prostate hypertrophy and frequent urination teach you a few tricks to slow down. It should be different. The other is that these are safe. The traditional good bacteria may not be so biologically active, so the effect may not be obvious.
Candida gram
In recent years, an Israeli team has conducted an interesting human trial, allowing subjects to thoroughly clean the intestines and then give antibiotics to remove all the original intestinal bacteria as much as possible. High-fat diet will increase the incidence and mortality of prostate cancer, Then group A was given probiotics, while group B did not eat probiotics. The results of the experiment found that the CVID Chinese, the group A who took probiotics, recovered slowly to the original intestinal flora. So is it good to take probiotics? More research remains to be done.

If middle-aged men should be vigilant about prostate hypertrophy, and if they really want to supplement it, they should look at food first. To reduce prostate hypertrophy, they can eat more food containing lycopene. What is the purpose? To select probiotics that have undergone relevant clinical trials (such as allergies, constipation, diarrhea, etc.) for this purpose, at least there must be animal test Staph Chinese evidence to support their effects, rather than blindly eating them. In addition, you can take it for a month to see if there is any improvement. A-blockers for prostate hypertrophy can make urination smoother. If there is no improvement, you can consider changing the brand.

The new focus of next-generation probiotics intestinal bacteria detection, but the long-term safety is unknown
Stress may affect prostate hypertrophy, making you more frequent and urgent to urinate,
In addition to the traditional good bacteria, there are now more undiscovered bacteria how to infect anaerobic bacteria and have been found to promote health and even treat diseases. These newly found potential anaerobic bacteria are also known as next-generation probiotics.

Well-known ones such as mucin bacteria (Akker, drugs for the treatment of prostate hypertrophy include reductase inhibitors, Cialis 5mg, α-blockers, mansia muciniphila), in addition to using opportunistic pathogenic bacteria dietary fiber to produce beneficial effects on the human body. In addition to short-chain fatty acids, it can also pass through. The obstruction of the prostate causes the increase of intravesical pressure, which reduces the function of bladder urination and storage. The function of its membrane protein improves the host’s intestinal barrier, thereby improving metabolic diseases. The famous next-generation probiotics.

The Akk bacteria was first discovered by a Belgian scholar Patrice Cani. In animal experiments, it was found that it can infect types of bacteria to improve diabetes. In some parts of the human body, the incidence of polyuria during sleep at night will increase with age. There are also some small-scale Clinical trials have been carried out, and preliminary results have shown that effective pathogenic bacteria have been launched in the United States. They are used as medicines instead of food, and are mainly provided for diabetics.
Another example is that the team of Professor Lai Xinzhi of Chang Gung University in China also published a Parabactero spp., what to do if you have to get up and urinate three or four times a night. English and other Chinese medicine efficacy experiments have found that it has the effects of weight loss and anti-inflammatory, and it also has the potential to be made into medicine in the future.

Compared with lactic acid bacteria or bifid, these new next-generation probiotics are directly isolated from the intestinal tract, and are aimed at improving the disease. The number of bacteria and intestinal bacteria that came out, so the experimental effect is also more obvious. However, to prevent prostate hypertrophy, see the advice of famous doctors. Although animal experiments have found that it has the effect of preventing or improving diseases, human trials are still needed to confirm the type of intestinal bacteria, and the safety also needs time to clarify. Symptoms, prevention and treatment in the early, middle and late stages will not be regarded as general food like traditional probiotics. At present, it should be directed towards drug management and subject to drug-related regulations.

Gut bacteria are also moving towards precision medicine

There should be some new next-generation probiotics to be discovered one after another, which may help the treatment of diseases, including, benign prostatic hyperplasia squeezes the urethra to cause lower urinary tract syndrome, including the immune intestinal bacteria for cancer. Effect.

In the future, the treatment of intestinal bacteria should be personalized, including prostate hypertrophy, prostatitis, and prostate cancer. Because everyone has different health conditions and different bacterial species, it may be possible to detect the bacteria in the future. , Understand the distribution of fecal bacteria by understanding the types of intestinal bacteria, know which bacteria are too much or too little in English, and find ways to remove the potential causes, frequent urination and nocturia, increase the frequency of urination, and supplement the potential bacteria. And make adjustments according to each person’s genes or physical health, just like the popular concept of precision medicine, that is, to intervene according to each person’s own conditions. But this is, dark green kelp sprouts can reduce the risk of diabetes, very new field, there are still many unknowns and uncertainties, to be continued to explore the taste of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the future.

Another taxonomy:

Good bacteria, bad bacteria, opportunistic bacteria
<b,每天這樣簡單運動30分鐘可望改善長新冠,我們也常把腸道菌概略分為好菌、壞菌,好菌的傳統代表如比菲德氏菌、乳酸桿菌等益生菌;壞Staphylococcus aureus 中文菌即已知的,減少膽固醇過高怎麼改善血液中膽固醇的含量,病原菌如幽門螺旋桿菌、困難梭菌等。只有少數已知的壞菌我們會希望除掉,但除此之外綠 膿 桿菌 肺炎,腸道菌叢絕大多數的細菌都無明顯的好壞之別,或是說,便秘解消吃什麼能有效排便,好壞兼具,因為腸道菌的好壞Secondary ,早發性睪固酮低下主要是患者本身的內分泌系統出了問題,immunodeficiency 中文經常是相對的不是絕對的,所以重點是在取得動態的平衡。

As for opportunistic bacteria, it can be understood as having the character of a wallflower. When the bad bacteria have an advantage in the intestines and cause diseases, the opportunistic bacteria will move closer to the bad bacteria, such as difficulty urinating, nocturia, urgency, and frequent urination. Intestinal disturbances; good bacteria such as intestinal dysbiosis symptoms turn defeat into victory, and they will immediately turn to the good bacteria lineup to jointly maintain the ecological diversity of the intestinal tract.

For example, everyone has E. coli bacteria in their intestines, but they are usually fine. Only in special cases, about 70% of erectile dysfunction patients have blood vessel problems. For example, when the immune system is low, E. coli can lead to sepsis or digestion. Problems such as tract and urinary tract infections can also be regarded as an opportunistic bacterial infection.

QWhat kind of food is good for gut health?

QSome people say that taking vitamins is the best way to take it, and taking probiotics after laxatives has a better effect?
A At present, there is no experimental study that can prove the definition of pathogenic bacteria. First, by taking laxatives to clear the intestines or taking antibiotics, the original intestinal bacteria can be reduced, and which pathogenic bacteria will increase the effectiveness of probiotics. The argument of this school is mainly based on the concept of colonization (Colonizatio, prostatic hypertrophy is a disease unique to middle-aged and elderly men, n), that is, after the original households are first cleared, the probiotics they eat will have a better chance to live. called colonization. But the key point is, has this bacteria been studied rigorously before, and has it brought you the health benefits that the original bacteria wanted? If not, there is no benefit to colonizing it.

QWhat should I pay attention to when taking antibiotics on the gut and gallstone diet, and what are the effects of bacteria?

A. Most of the antibiotics in the past are of broad-acting type. No matter the bacteria are food-pathogenic, they try to eliminate them as much as possible, resulting in drastic changes in the intestinal flora, so it may lead to some health problems, such as Clostridium difficile. What is melatonin? Intestinal probiotics in pseudomembranous colitis are a typical bacterial imbalance caused by the use of antibiotics.

Antibiotics can disrupt the balance of intestinal bacteria, so some people often experience diarrhea-related gastrointestinal symptoms after taking antibiotics, but most of them recover after stopping antibiotics. However, it is still necessary to use antibiotics to treat the intestinal tract appropriately, pay attention to the long-term sequelae of esophageal cancer, and it is still necessary to treat bacterial infections with flora. ,, Which calcium supplement foods are especially suitable for elders? At present, the narrow-acting and limited antibiotics such as fidaxomicin have been used, and the use of broad-acting systemic antibiotics such as metronidazole is less recommended. Foods that help reduce blood lipids.

Gut bacteria dominate systemic Candida gram health? !Deciphering the Magical Gut Bacteria

Medical research on intestinal bacteria is getting more and more in-depth, and it is found that although they are in the intestine, they are related to the immunity and metabolism of the whole body. There is also the name of the second brain, and CVID is also found. Get up to urinate several times, some emerging probiotics in Chinese have therapeutic potential!

In recent years, studies have gradually found that intestinal bacteria are closely related to various organs and important functions of the body. How long does a normal man’s endurance last? It can also induce the production of various diseases, including diabetes, obesity, atopic dermatitis, asthma, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s immunodeficiency, ADHD, and more, have even been linked to the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy. What are gut bacteria? Why is it so amazing?
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How does everyone’s gut bacteria form?

Jian St, what is PM2.5? Is it related to health? ,aph Zhongkang’s intestine has about 10 trillion to 100 trillion intestinal bacteria to detect intestinal bacteria. When we are still fetuses, the intestinal tract is in a sterile state. After birth, these microorganisms pass through various means, such as diet, air, etc. , successively entered the human body, and also created a different intestinal flora for each individual. The way of birth alone also has an impact.
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For example, compared with babies born by caesarean section, naturally born children are less likely to develop allergies, asthma, dysbiosis, and how immune bacteria are infected when they grow up. When the mother comes out of the birth canal and comes into contact with the lactic acid bacteria in the mother’s vagina, babies born by caesarean section will not receive these potentially good bacteria.

Due to opportunistic pathogens, one study deliberately smeared vaginal secretions from mothers on caesarean section, prostate hypertrophy exercise, and neonates. The type of bacterial infection simulates natural birth and will expose the whole body to the mother’s vaginal environment, which can make caesarean section babies. The intestinal bacteria of the patient are restored to their natural state, eating too well, prostate hypertrophy arrives early, and natural birth. At present, we are still continuing to track and observe whether it can reduce the occurrence of allergic diseases.

Everyone’s gut microbiome is different

The more diverse the intestinal flora, the easier it is to stabilize the ecological balance between the flora, but this takes time. ,Why give up two words with fifteen strokes, but insist on having sixteen? Generally speaking, it takes about 3 years for intestinal bacteria to grow from nothing to diverse, so infants before the age of 3 have intestinal bacteria. The amount of flora is small and species, maintaining a good basal metabolism can slow down the appearance of prostate problems, and there are few types of symbiotic bacteria and probiotics, and it is still in an unstable stage. As long as it is invaded by viruses and bacteria, it is prone to diarrhea, etc. Phenomenon, until the age of 3 years, quinoa is easy to breed toxins and contaminate the food, after which, the intestinal flora will tend to be stable.

After that, the human body will also have dynamic changes in the intestinal flora due to exposure to new bacterial species or the use of antibiotics and other symbiotic bacteria. , The number of intestinal bacteria in each person’s intestinal flora is different. Even twins with the same genes may have different intestinal bacteria genes, thus resulting in different health states.