
Abolish the PCR test on the first day of admission, allowing face-to-face visits to nursing hospitals


A giant duck doll has reappeared in Seokchon Lake, Jamsil.

It is a work called ‘Rubber Duck’ by a Dutch artist.

I came back after 8 years since it was first exhibited in 2014, and I’m getting bigger and I’ve made friends.

The artist explained that he was trying to bring a happy smile to those who have been through difficult times due to COVID-19.

Just like the rubber duck that has returned after a long time, our everyday life slowly regains its former appearance.

From midnight on the 30th, you don’t have to have a PCR test when you enter Korea, and you can meet face to face at the nursing hospital from the 4th of next month.

This is Shin Min-hye, a medical reporter.


The obligation to undergo a PCR test within one day upon entering Korea is removed.

This applies to those arriving after midnight tonight.

This is a measure when considering the quarantine situation, which is stabilizing, such as the rate of confirmed cases falling to 0.9% of travelers entering Korea, and public inconvenience due to mandatory testing.

However, if you have any symptoms on entry, you will need to go to a separate location during the quarantine period and be tested as is currently the case.

If you want to be tested after entering the country, you can get a free PCR test at a public health center within 3 days.

[이기일/중앙재난안전대책본부 제1총괄조정관(보건복지부 제2차관) : “치명률이 높은 변이가 발생하는 등 입국 관리가 강화된 경우에는 재도입도 검토하도록 하겠습니다.”]

From the 4th of next month, immediately after the holidays, face-to-face contact visits are also allowed in nursing homes, etc.

The index is considered to have stabilised, with the group infection rate significantly reduced, and the 4th vaccine vaccination rate for residents of facilities exposed to infection was also more than 90%.

If the visitor confirms that he is negative with the self-test kit, he or she can meet the resident without using a partition or using an intercom.

It appears that the duty to wear a mask indoors will be maintained for the time being.

[박향/중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : “지난 2년간 마스크 착용 때문에 인플루엔자(독감)나 이런 발생률이 많이 저하됐다는 것, 그것도 아직은 실내 마스크를 해제하지 못하는 이유에 해당됩니다.”]

Today, the number of new confirmed cases of Corona 19 continued to fall to 28,000, and the number of patients with severe cases was also counted to 350, the lowest in 53 days.

This is Minhye Shin from KBS News.

Video Editing: Park Joo-yeon/Graphics: Chae Sang-woo

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