
An aunt who eats noodles was stared at by a strange man and reminded that the result of a “brain tumor” test was stupid…Medical reveals 3 symptoms | Life | QUANTITY

The doctor only took one look, and found out that the aunt had a tumor in her brain. (Schematic diagram / flip of photoAC)

There are abnormalities in the body, which can appear on the outside. There is an aunt in Zhejiang, China, who took her grandson to a noodle shop for lunch a few days ago, and was stared at by a strange man, and then the man said to him, “Maybe you have a brain tumor. “Unexpectedly, he went to hospital for an examination a few days later, and it was confirmed that there was a brain tumour. An endogenous growth hormone tumour.

According to The Paper, the strange man was Zhao Ming, director of neurosurgery at Zhuji People’s Hospital. While eating noodles at the noodle shop that day, he found that the aunt’s face had the features of a pituitary tumor patient, including thick lips, arched eyebrows and bones Protruding cheek and wide nose, although it was presumptuous, but out of professional habits, he kindly decided to remind her so as not to delay the treatment.

Zhao Ming first added a few polite words, then asked the aunt if she had diabetes and if her appearance had changed in recent years. He observed her fingers and found them abnormally thick. Maybe there’s a tumor in it”, and he said he was a doctor, and then left a contact number.

When the aunt was eating noodles, a strange man was staring at her.  (Schematic diagram / flip of photoAC)
When the aunt was eating noodles, a strange man was staring at her. (Schematic diagram / flip of photoAC)

My aunt thought it was sudden, but after thinking about it carefully, her appearance had indeed changed significantly in recent years, so that she had been reluctant to take pictures for several years, so she went to the hospital to consult without doubt. the doctor also thought there might be a tumor on the pituitary gland, and suggested further examination. So, he contacted Zhao Ming, and after an MRI examination, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone tumor, and underwent surgery to completely remove the intracranial pituitary tumor.

Zhao Ming explained that growth hormone tumors are relatively common pituitary tumors. Although they are benign, they secrete too much growth hormone, which will lead to excessive growth of soft tissue, bones and cartilage, and internal organs. The main manifestations are acromegaly and thick. skin, appearance changes, etc.; if the tumor compresses the peripheral nerve tissue, loss of vision and increased urine output may occur.

The aunt recovered and was discharged from the hospital Her endocrine disorders, finger hypertrophy, and nasolabial hypertrophy have improved, but the changes in the septum of the facial bone cannot be changed. Fortunately, the tumor has been removed.