
Bad and bad looking for excitement with her boyfriend… The female college student’s lower body was stuffed with “this” for 1 month and it was so painful that it was frozen and stinky | International | CTWANT

Although boudoir sex can enhance the relationship between couples or husbands and wives, but if you don’t have a good sense of proportion, I am afraid it will only bring about the opposite effect. A female college student from Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, mainland China recently went to the hospital for consultation and shyly shouted for pain in her lower body. After being asked by a doctor, she learned that the patient and her boyfriend were seeking stimulation and had put a foreign body in her lower body. , but I was too embarrassed to seek medical treatment until the pain was so painful that I could not walk, so I went to the obstetrics and gynecology department for assistance.

“Qianjiang Evening News” reported that 19-year-old Xiao Yang (pseudonym) is a college student. He had a boyfriend not long ago. In order to seek stimulation, the two actually stuffed foreign objects into their lower bodies. Due to lack of medical knowledge and embarrassment in his heart, Xiao Yang felt that this matter was difficult to talk about. He never went to the hospital for examination, and did not tell others. It was not until a month later that his lower body began to smell and the pain was unbearable. Accompanied by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Hangzhou Xixi Hospital.

In order to seek stimulation, couples actually stuffed foreign objects into their lower bodies.

The doctor’s examination found that there was indeed a foreign body deep in Xiao Yang’s vagina. The object was smooth and had no focus, and could not be removed with ordinary medical instruments. Dr. Gao Jiansong said that although the foreign body stayed in the body for a long time, fortunately the location was not deep, so under the guidance of ultrasound, after many explorations, the foreign body in Xiao Yang’s body was finally taken out with surgical forceps. It turned out to be a 5 cm long 3 cm wide, something like a cosmetic cap.

Dr. Gao revealed that the foreign body has already caused an inflammatory reaction in the body, but it is fortunate to take it out in time. If it is not taken out again, it will torture people and cause infection, which will have an impact on future fertility. The doctor reminded that women should not pursue such stimulation in addition to paying attention to hygiene and living a regular life. If they feel unwell, they should go to the hospital for help from medical staff in time, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous.
