
Check state welfare card status 2022. Open 9 reasons for incomplete registration.

at registration The registrant can check the registration status every Friday from the following week through the website, click here or ask the registration agency to check it by entering the 13 digit ID number and date of birth.

Registered individuals who have registered during 5-8 September 2022 can check their registration status from Friday 16 September 2022.

“Registration complete”

Let the registrant wait for the results of the eligibility check. The results of the qualification exam will be published in January 2023.

“Incomplete Registration” The reasons for incomplete registration are as follows:

  1. Those who are registered as monks/novices/nuns
  2. Registration information not found.
  3. The registrant’s personal status is invalid. died or moved abroad or sold
  4. The registrant is not of Thai nationality.
  5. The registered member is under 18 or the date of birth format is incorrect.
  6. The registrant has a spouse
  7. The registrant informs the spouse’s information incorrectly.
  8. The registrant informs the complete number of children But the child’s ID card number is incorrect.
  9. The registrant who informs the number of children is not complete Check the number of children and the ID card number of each child.