
Interview with Hwang In-beom “Choice to win… I have to go to the Champions League”

Hwang In-beom of the soccer team, who transferred to the prestigious Olympiacos in Greece, said in a video interview with SBS that his goal is to win the first championship in his life and advance to the European Champions League.

Correspondent Ha Seong-ryong.

Hwang In-beom chose the strongest Olympiacos, who won the Greek league 47 times despite offers from German and French teams, because of his desire for a championship he had never tried before.

[황인범/올림피아코스 미드필더 : 제가 지금까지 (리그 순위가) 조금 밑에서 있었던 팀들에 좀 많이 있었는데, (올림피아코스는) 항상 우승 경쟁을 하는 팀이고, 공격 포인트 같은 것을 기록할 수 있는 환경도 좋은 곳이지 않을까 (생각했습니다.)]

The advice of national team coach Paulo Bento, who coached Olympiacos five years ago, was also helpful.

[황인범/올림피아코스 미드필더 : (벤투 감독님이) ‘빅클럽’이라고 얘기해주셨어요. 좋은 훈련장과 시설을 가지고 있는 팀이고, 팬들도 너무 열정적이고, 자세하게 알려주셨던 것 같아요.]

Just before Hwang In-beom joined, his team was eliminated from the Champions League qualifier and pushed to the Europa League, but he dreams of one day playing against his 26-year-old friends Min-jae Kim of Naples and Hee-chan Hwang of Wolverhampton on the ‘Dream Stage’.

[황인범/올림피아코스 미드필더 : (챔피언스리그가) 유럽 내에서 할 수 있는 가장 큰 대회니까, (한국 선수를) 만난다고 한다면 저도 유니폼 교환도 하고, 영광스러울 것 같아요.]

In-beom Hwang, who has been at the starting line again in Greece after going through the K League, Canada, and Russia, vowed to take another step forward and create the best moment in the Qatar World Cup.

[황인범/올림피아코스 미드필더 : 체격적으로 상당히 우위에 있는 선수들과 경쟁하면서, 월드컵 때 100%의 모습으로 한 번 도전을 해보고 싶어요.]

(Video editing: Oh Young-taek)