
“It’s a little ironic…”: Hailey denies stealing Justin Bieber, Selena speaks “truth” on live

Hailey Bieber recently opened up about her relationship with Selena Gomez in an exclusive interview, refuting the claim that she was a “third party”, denying that she stole Justin Bieber, and reluctantly saying that she was abused by netizens over the years. On the other hand, Selena Gomez started a live broadcast a while ago, and what she said was interpreted by the outside world as a response to Hailey Bieber.

Selena Gomez talks to fans

“There’s a bit of irony in what I’m about to say next…”

Earlier, Selena Gomez said on TikTok live: “What I’m going to say next is a bit ironic. If you support Rare Beauty (the beauty brand founded by Selena Gomez), thank you very big, but you know what is behind What they represent, the slogans on those products are also very important, and I hope everyone can understand the meaning of these words.”

When Selena Gomez said this, many fans and users who supported Rare Beauty understood what she meant. Because Selena Gomez launched a series of Rare Beauty products called “Kind Words” (saying kind words), she realized that some fans and users who use this product do not know how to respect others and lose value the brand.

Selena Gomez went on to emphasize that the slogan on Rare Beauty is very important: “These words come from my true feelings, and I hope that users who support me and Rare Beauty can understand the meaning and power these words give.”

The content of Selena Gomez’s live broadcast was interpreted by the outside world as a response to Hailey Bieber. In particular, when Hailey Bieber was interviewed earlier, she mentioned the fame of being a “third party” over the years, which made Selena Gomez decide to use the cosmetics brand to appeal to her fans and supporters to be logical, just like the slogan on his brand, Calling on netizens to “say good things”.

This is not the first time

Selena Gomez is helping Hailey Bieber

However, this is not the first time that Selena Gomez has responded quietly, helping Hailey Bieber. Looking back at 2019, after netizens attacked Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez also expressed through the social platform: “If you are my fan, don’t be unreasonable to anyone.” Calling on netizens to stop hate and bullying on the Internet, Hope fans treat others well.

This time, Selena Gomez’s live broadcast directly targets those “loyal” fans. I know these fans love her and support Rare Beauty, but I hope they can stop hurt others because of their love for her.

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>>> Just because of doing this, Selena Gomez was angered by netizens to apologize to Hailey Baldwin

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