
Kyrgyz president calls for calm in conflict with Tajik | Reuters

The President of Kyrgyzstan, Djaparov, said on Monday that there was no need to create a volunteer force to guard the border following last week’s conflict with Tajikistan, while urging his people to use his country’s military and strategic partners. Image provided (2022 Reuters)

[ビシュケク 19日 ロイター] – The President of Kyrgyzstan Japarov said on Thursday that there was no need to build a volunteer force to guard the border following last week’s conflict with Tajikistan, while encouraging his people to become strategic partners with his country’s military. He called on us to trust our country.

At least 100 people were killed in clashes along the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan last week. “We continue our efforts to resolve the border issue with Tajikistan peacefully,” Japarov said in a televised speech.

Kyrgyz officials said on Monday they had discussed the release of four border guards who were being held by Tajik forces during the conflict. Tajikistan’s foreign ministry reiterated that Kyrgyzstan had instigated the armed conflict, but said negotiations were the key to resolving the dispute.

Border disputes in Central Asia stem from the immigration policies of the former Soviet Union. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are both allied with Russia and host Russian military bases. Russia does not stand on either side, calling on both countries to find a peaceful solution.