
Men Over 40 Avoid Sedentary To Slow Prostate Problems – Yespick – Hot News YesNews

Men after age 40 avoid sedentary, slow prostate problems

Behaviors that may worsen the symptoms of prostate hypertrophy After the age of 40, with age, sedentary improves and increases, and the proportion will become higher and higher. The doctor reminds that prostate hypertrophy is not directly related to prostate cancer. Chronic inflammation of the prostate gland is closely related to stress. If there is a phenomenon such as thinning of the urine stream, intermittent urination or frequent urination, etc., it is necessary to be vigilant.

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Urologists pointed out that after the age of 40, men are prone to prostate hypertrophy, and produce obesity, sedentary injury, and large nodules (or hyperplasia); The urine flow is small and the urine is not clean, and the regular meeting increases from 70%, 80% to 100%; in other words, sedentary exercise in the office, prostate hypertrophy is an inevitable phenomenon of aging, so it is also called “longevity disease”.

Prostate hypertrophy for sedentary, long-term squatting, long-standing high-risk groups, the benefits of squatting,

According to clinical statistics, about 1/4 of males over 70 years old in China need treatment. At present, the treatment can improve dizziness when squatting down. Taboo food, medical treatment, and surgical treatment. Because drugs don’t shrink an already enlarged prostate, some people may take it for a while, while others are better off taking it for a lifetime.

It should be mentioned that, although holding back urine, sitting and squatting for a long time will not lead to prostatic hypertrophy, it may worsen the symptoms of patients with prostatic hypertrophy. In particular, occupations that require long-term sitting, squatting, and standing for a long time, such as athletes (professional drivers), chefs (workers in high temperature environments), teachers, etc., are high, squat toilets, and dangerous groups, and usually pay more attention to prostate maintenance.

The doctor stressed that the official name of hypertrophy of the prostate should be called benign prostate hyperplasia, which is a kind of cell proliferation problem. When the cells proliferate significantly, causing the volume to become significantly larger and compressing the urethra, symptoms will appear. Although some people have cell proliferation, but the volume has not become larger or only a little larger, they will not feel it. discomfort.

Obesity, hyperlipidemia, prostate hyperplasia

The occurrence of prostate hypertrophy is mainly related to hereditary constitution. When getting older, coupled with male stress, prolonged standing soothing, and hormonal stimulation (testosterone is metabolized into testosterone dihydrate by enzymes), it leads to the proliferation of prostate cells; other such as Female hormones, prolonged occupational diseases, imbalances, growth factors, rapid cell apoptosis, cases of taking Cialis 5mg, degree, gland inflammation, etc., may also affect the appearance of symptoms.

In addition, people with higher waist circumference and body mass index (B, sedentary stretching, MI value) seem to be more likely to have prostate hypertrophy, and the rate of need for treatment is also higher than that of people who are sedentary at work and sedentary. , Patients with hyperlipidemia may also be more likely to have prostate hypertrophy. As for tobacco and alcohol, ligation or not, sexual function, etc., have little effect on the prostate.

Stressed to stay up late, sedentary obesity, prone to inflammation of the prostate

In addition, chronic prostate inflammation is also a common symptom in outpatient clinics. According to the physician’s personal outpatient clinic experience, patients who seek medical treatment due to prostate inflammation every day, sedentary exercise, at least 1, squatting for a long time, 0, and 20 Most of them are young people in their 40s.

The main reasons for the analysis were related to high pressure, busy life, work and rest, irregularity, staying up late and other habits. Stress and unhealthy habits can easily cause chronic inflammation in the body. What will happen when squatting all the time? It will also make the muscles of the whole body tense. The prostate, which is located in the lowest and most hidden position of the pelvis, is also unavoidable. It is the most vulnerable. Correct squatting posture , to the impact, leading to inflammation and urination discomfort.

For prostate inflammation caused by stress and busyness, in addition to taking medicine to improve, the current non-invasive extracorporeal shock wave therapy method can transmit energy to the affected area and relax the muscles like a massage. , improve blood circulation, and then achieve the effect of relief and treatment. However, if the ingestion caused by bacteria, inflammation of the prostate gland, you need to take antibiotics, stand on the calf for a long time, and treat.

To prevent the prostate, standing for a long time, soaking the feet, and inflammation, first of all, the diet should be light, avoid high-fat foods, and at the same time, avoid sitting for a long time, because sitting for a long time affects blood circulation, if the urination is not smooth, it will only make the symptoms worse. In addition, drink more water during the day, drink less water at night, and eat more foods rich in lycopene, such as tomatoes, to protect the prostate.