
Sadgamaya Vidyarbham and Onam Celebration On October 8, ONAM CELEBRATION

Dublin: Vidya Rambha and Onam celebrations are being held on Saturday 8 October under the auspices of Sadgamaya Satsangh, the first Malayali Hindu group in Ireland. Vidyaramba Pujas will start at 10 am at the VHCCI Temple in Dublin with Brahmashree Edassery Raman Namboothiri as the main function. This will be followed by children’s writing, bhajans, various art performances, competitions and Onam Sadya prepared by Royal Caters. Those who want to register their children and participate in the programs should contact the following numbers.

Vasant – 087 322 6832
Bindu Raman – 087 781 8318
Vinod – 087 132 0706
Anil Kumar – 0876411374