
Dizziness is Not the Only Symptom: Understanding Anemia and its Many Effects

Anemia: More Than Just Dizziness Understanding the Causes and Symptoms Many people associate dizziness with anemia. While it’s true that anemia can cause dizziness, solely attributing this symptom to anemia could lead to a delayed diagnosis and treatment. We interviewed Hidoc experts to shed light on the various causes and symptoms of anemia. Dizziness is […]

Young people’s increasing dependence on coffee after meals

Coffee After a Meal: Benefits, Considerations, and Health Risks By Jiyoung Kim, SISACAST Reporter The increasing number of office workers opting for light lunches and coffee breaks is becoming a prevalent trend. Coffee has now become an essential accompaniment to a meal, boosting the number of office workers partaking in this post-lunch ritual. The stimulating […]

The Feet: A Window into Overall Health

Foot Health: Clues to Overall Health Our feet can reveal more about our health than we might think. The condition of the hair on our toes and instep, for example, can provide valuable insights into our overall well-being. The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons has highlighted the significance of disappearing foot hair as […]

Thalassemia: A Silent and Widespread Anemia in Thailand

Thalassemia, a type of anemia characterized by abnormal red blood cells, is a hereditary disease caused by inheriting abnormal genes from parents. In Thailand, there are over 500,000 thalassemia carriers and more than 18 million people have been identified as potential carriers. However, with early detection and prevention, the spread of the disease can be […]

Why Do Some Youth Experience Premature Graying of Hair: Genetic, Stress, and Anemia Factors

The Truth Behind Gray Hair in Children and Adolescents Familial Inheritance and Gray Hair Gray hair appearing during childhood or adolescence, also known as “juvenile white,” is often linked to genetic inheritance within the family, excessive stress, or anemia. If a young individual experiences premature graying, it is likely influenced by their family genes. It […]

Preventing Anemia in Cats: The Importance of Vaccination and Repellents

Anemia in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Preventing Anemia in Cats: Vaccination and repellents are essential in preventing anemia in cats, as they can help protect against infectious diseases and parasites that can cause this condition. Suspecting Anemia in Cats: If your cat’s gums or soles appear pale, it could indicate anemia. Recognizing the symptoms […]

Korea Pharma Accelerates Clinical Trials for Iron Deficiency Treatment ‘KP-01’ after Modifying Trial Plan

Korea Pharma Accelerates Clinical Trial Plan for Iron Deficiency Treatment Korea Pharma, led by CEO Park Eun-hee, is making significant changes to its clinical trial plan for the development of iron deficiency treatment ‘KP-01’, aiming to accelerate its commercialization. Following the successful signing of a KP-01 delivery contract with UK-based Shield Therapeutics in 2021, the […]

Controversy regarding the cardiovascular safety of testosterone replacement therapy

[메디칼업저버 박선혜 기자] The cardiovascular safety debate surrounding testosterone replacement therapy is expected to be settled. In a study of hypogonadal men with a history or high risk of cardiovascular disease, testosterone replacement therapy did not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events compared with placebo. The study, called TRAVERSE, was conducted in 2015 when […]