
Comedian Jeong Ju-ri’s Weight Loss Journey: A Closer Look at Her Diet

[셀럽헬스] Comedian Jeong Ju-ri’s diet Entered 2024.04.04 13:31 Entered 2024.04.04 13:31 Modified 2024.04.04 13:32 Views 724 Comedian Jeong Ju-ri said she lost weight by drinking 3 liters of water a day along with weight training. [사진=정주리 유튜브 영상 캡처]Comedian Jeong Ju-ri managed to lose 8 kg in one month. On the 3rd, the YouTube channel […]

The Surprising Impact of Food Texture on Eating Speed and Calorie Intake

Eating Hard and Crunchy Foods Slows Down Eating Speed, Reducing Caloric Intake, Study Says Recent research has revealed that the texture of food plays a significant role in controlling eating speed and ultimately calorie intake. Foods with a hard and crunchy texture can help individuals slow down their eating process, feel full more quickly, and […]

Signs of a Calorie Deficit: When Exercise Requires More Food

The Impact of Caloric Deficit on Exercise When engaging in regular exercise, it is essential to ensure that your caloric intake matches the energy expenditure to avoid negative symptoms. These symptoms can include persistent pain, dizziness, and a compromised immune system. It is crucial to be mindful of the signs that indicate the body’s need […]

The Calorie Count of Bungeobbang: How Many is Too Many?

Eating Bungeoppang Without Thought Equals Consuming Excess Calories November 2, 2023 | Views: 24 In the midst of cooler temperatures, the irresistible aroma of Bungeoppang fills the air, beckoning us to indulge. However, it is important to exercise caution as mindless consumption of this beloved snack can lead to weight gain. With each delectable piece […]

15 Common Sense Weight Loss Secrets: Say No to Starvation

Do you have to starve to lose weight? Absolutely not! In fact, starving yourself not only hinders weight loss, but it can also lead to more weight gain. Losing weight does not mean severely restricting your calorie intake at every meal, but rather focusing on nutritional balance. There are many misconceptions about weight loss that […]

‘Calorie’ in coffee, which menu can drink…not fat?

How many calories does each cup of coffee have? How about an espresso and a cappuccino that have the same number of calories? It is commonly known that all types of coffee have an amount. ‘calories’ Not equally, some menu items are low in calories. Some menus have a lot of calories. But if you […]

Prime documentary ‘Protecting the tired liver from the onslaught of toxins!’

Prime documentary ‘Protecting the tired liver from the onslaught of toxins!’ [한국사회복지저널] Most of the diseases of modern people come from less physical labor while still consuming high calorie nutrients. In reality, a major illness does not come suddenly one day. As a result of neglecting small and insignificant symptoms such as weight gain as […]