
The Dangers of Excessive Eye Rubbing: Structural Damage and Eye Diseases

Excessive eye rubbing increases the risk of structural damage and eye disease. Posted on 03.19.2024 at 3.37pm Posted on 03.19.2024 at 3.37pm Views 12 Rubbing your eyes inadvertently can have negative consequences. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]When our eyes are tired, itchy or dry, we rub them without thinking. However, inadvertently rubbing your eyes can lead to bad results. […]

The Importance of Eye Health During the Rainy Season: Protecting Against Infectious Diseases

Importance of Eye Health during Rainy Season Dr. Ekachai Aryangkul, Ophthalmologist and Deputy Director of Ophthalmology, emphasizes the significance of taking care of our overall health, including our eyes, during the upcoming rainy season. He warns that our eyes are also at risk of developing infectious diseases. The Dangers of Conjunctivitis In particular, the epidemic […]

Protecting Your Eyes During the Rainy Season: Tips from Metta Pracharak Hospital

The Department of Medicine at Metta Pracharak Hospital (Wat Rai Khing) is advising the public to prioritize eye health during the rainy season due to the increased risk of disease. Not only does the rainy season bring about general health concerns, but it also increases the likelihood of eye-related issues. Conjunctivitis, which can be caused […]

“Health Net” Conjunctivitis may be a precursor to a cold. The doctor revealed that two days before the infection of “2 viruses”, it is easy to have red eyes and eye mucus-Free Health Net

The doctor said that the eyes are red and swollen, and there is a lot of secretions, which may be a precursor to infection with adenovirus and Keshaqi A24; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Red, swollen eyes and increased discharge are usually symptoms of conjunctivitis infection. Most people will […]

Protect Yourself from Waterborne Diseases: Tips for Swimming Pool Safety

Swimming Pool Hazards: Protect Yourself from Potential Diseases As the summer heat intensifies, more and more people are seeking refuge in swimming pools, water parks, and water playgrounds. While these aquatic havens offer a temporary escape from the scorching temperatures, it’s crucial to remember that lurking beneath the seemingly pristine waters are various diseases waiting […]

How is COVID-19 red eye different from normal conjunctivitis? : PPTVHD36

conjunctivitis or conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis) It can be caused by many reasons, such as infection, allergies, exposure to chemicals, etc., but it is common. and very easy to communicate with is viral conjunctivitis Through contact through tears through direct contact with hands. or tools And to touch another person’s eye or get dirty water in the […]