
SCARY DATA FROM EUROPOL: 25,000 criminals roam the European underground, here are the mobsters from the Western Balkans in all of this

Over 800 dangerous gangs with more than 25,000 members operate in the European Union. Among these networks are members from the Balkans, mostly from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, and their main activity is drug trafficking. Data on the number, characteristics, structure and characteristics of criminal organizations provide insight into the complex, dynamic and […]

K-MELLODY Project Group: Accelerating New Drug Development with Collective Learning-Based Approach

Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Association opens K-MELLODY business unit Resolve data distribution issues and maximize research efficiency Choose detailed business in June, start first year project in July On the 17th, the Korea Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Society held an opening ceremony for the ‘Collective Learning-Based New Drug Development Acceleration Project Team’ (K-MELLODY Project Group) at the […]

South Korea Strengthens Space Cooperation with the United States Ahead of Korea Aerospace Administration Creation

A delegation led by Cho Seong-Kyung, first vice minister of South Korea’s Ministry of Science, Information Technology and Communications (MSIT), aimed to strengthen space cooperation with the United States ahead of the creation of the Korea Aerospace Administration. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in January 2024. Deputy Secretary Cho and NASA Deputy Administrator Pam […]

Cracking Down on Piracy: A Case Study in Fujian Mingxi County

Original title: Using pirated film and TV works to attract traffic and money (theme) Fujian Mingxi: Comprehensive review of chat logs, server data and other evidence to correctly identify infringing works (subtitle) Procuratorate Daily reporter Zhang Renping reporter Gao Shu “I know that publishing pirated film and TV work on personal websites and apps is […]

New Challenges in Automotive Data Security: Risks and Solutions

Original title: Automotive data security faces new challenges Statistics from relevant departments show that since 2020, more than 2.8 million malicious cyber attacks have been discovered targeting vehicle companies, Vehicle Internet information service providers and other related companies. In 2023, there were more than 20 data breaches involving car companies across the country, and car […]

Advancing AI with Large Multimodal Models: Understanding the Differences and Future Applications

LMM (Large multimodal model) is an advanced type of artificial intelligence model that can process and understand multiple types of data formats. This multimodal data can include text, images, audio, video, etc. Multimodal models can simultaneously integrate and interpret information from these different data sources. This can be considered an advanced version of LMM (Large […]