
Why Honey is Better Than Sugar for Diabetics: Benefits and Considerations

Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases that many people face in modern society. These patients need to strictly control their blood sugar levels and prevent rapid fluctuations, so they should eat fewer foods high in sugar. And what about honey, known as a health food? We looked at why honey is better than sugar […]

The Amazing Benefits of Climbing Stairs: Improve Your Health and Fitness Today!

Climbing stairs is a simple but very effective way to exercise. This exercise, which offers numerous benefits for improving health and fitness, is an activity that can easily be practiced in daily life. In particular, it is considered one of the most effective exercises for maintaining health because it has effects on both strength training […]

How to Manage Blood Sugar Levels After Eating: Tips for Better Health

After eating food, blood sugar levels tend to be higher than in the fasting state. However, if hyperglycemia, in which postprandial blood glucose exceeds 140 mg/dl, persists for a long period of time, there is a high risk of developing diabetes, so management to reduce postprandial blood glucose is required. Drinking enough water helps manage […]

Lack of Sleep Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Study from Uppsala University

ㅣResearch group of Uppsala University in Sweden, clinical studies on 247,000 peopleㅣEven if you maintain a healthy diet, lack of sleep increases your risk of developing diabetes.ㅣIf you lack sleep, you should control your blood sugar level through high-intensity exercise. A new study recently found that insufficient sleep increases the risk of developing type 2 […]

Fasting Mimicking Diet Linked to Decrease in Biological Age, Study Finds

ㅣResearch team from the Leonard Davis Graduate School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California, clinical study on 100 peopleㅣIf you regularly perform the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), your physical age will decrease by 2.5 years.ㅣFMD, a method to let your body recognize that you are fasting by monitoring your diet for 5 days […]

The Rise of Ultra-Processed Foods and Their Impact on Health: Understanding the Difference and How to Make Healthier Choices

Foods that contain additives to add flavor or preservatives to preserve the food are commonly called “processed foods.” However, recently, the term “ultra-processed foods” is being used more often instead of processed foods. Find out what the difference is between processed foods and ultra-processed foods and how ultra-processed foods affect your health. Ultra-processed foods like […]

Mouthwash Can Improve Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetic Patients: Study Findings

ㅣJapanese Oral and Systemic Scientific Research Joint Laboratory, clinical study on 173 peopleㅣFor diabetic patients, blood sugar levels can be improved with mouthwashㅣTo be effective you need to use it at least twice a day Recently, a study showed that simply gargling improved blood sugar levels in some diabetes patients. The results of this study […]

The Impact of Dietary Factors on Diabetes: Insights from Tufts University Research

The prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide. Diet management and exercise are very important for diabetic patients, and diet management in particular is a lifelong task. Tufts University in the United States announced the dietary factors that influence diabetes. Source: Getty Image Bank, Nature Medicine Researchers at Tufts University integrated changes in diet and the […]

Dietary Factors Influencing Diabetes: Insights from Tufts University Study

The prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide. Diet management and exercise are very important for diabetic patients, and diet management in particular is a lifelong task. Tufts University in the United States announced the dietary factors that influence diabetes. Source: Getty Image Bank, Nature Medicine Researchers at Tufts University integrated changes in diet and the […]