
Study Finds High-Dose Influenza Vaccine Safe for Those at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Usually, the flu vaccine takes two weeks to a month to develop immunity, but it does not provide complete protection from the virus. The vaccine prevention rate in healthy adults reaches 70-90%, and in the elderly, influenza-related complications can be reduced by 50-60% through vaccination. The effectiveness of vaccination varies depending on age or health […]

Understanding and Preventing Gastric Ulcers: Expert Insights for a Healthy Stomach

(Adobe Stock) According to 2021 medical cost statistics from the Health Insurance Review and Evaluation Service, the number of people receiving treatment for gastrointestinal diseases exceeds 4.8 million. One in 10 Koreans can be said to have a stomach disease. Among them, gastric ulcer, which refers to a condition in which the gastrointestinal mucosa becomes […]

Recognizing the Signs of Stroke: Remember the FAST Rule!

Stroke is a disease that comes unexpectedly, threatens your life and leaves serious consequences even if you barely survive. It is known that we cannot prepare… Is this really true? Woo Ho-geol, professor of neurology at Kyung Hee University Hospital, emphasizes the memory of prodromal symptoms. If you can’t keep everything in your head, at […]

Seizing the Opportunities in an Aging Society: The Emergence of the Blue Ocean Market

entering an aging society altogether This makes these elderly groups a group worth keeping an eye on. with social status willingness to pay and freedom in living life The group became so Blue Ocean that the business sector must develop products and services that meet needs Mrs said Wanna Sawatdikul, president of SilverActive Company Limited, […]

Tips for Slowing Down the Aging Process: Simple Steps to Maintain Youthful Health

Aging|Source: mid-tripAging. It refers to a phenomenon in which physical and physiological changes occur and various capabilities deteriorate as a living organism ages. Aging is a phenomenon that occurs in all living things, and in humans, the symptoms of aging usually begin to appear noticeably around the age of 30 or 40. The main symptoms […]

Preparing for Spring: How to Prevent and Treat Frozen Shoulder

(Adobe Stock) Before we know it, Gyeongchip (驚蟄), the third of the 24 solar terms and heralding the start of spring, is just around the corner. Gyeongchip refers to the day when “insects and frogs that hide and hibernate” (蟄) “wake up in surprise” (驚). “Donguibogam” also mentions Gyeongchip as the period when animals that […]

Understanding Colon Cancer: Expert Insights and Recommendations

(Adobe Stock) If you have a colonoscopy during a health checkup, it is very painful because you have to drink an excessive amount of bowel cleanser without being able to eat the day before. When I hear the results of some polyps being removed after a test, I wonder, ‘Is it possible that the colon […]