
The Controversy Surrounding Russia’s Alleged Role in North Korea’s New ICBM Launch

New North Korean Missile Launch Sparks Debates on Russia’s Involvement SEOUL (Reuters) – The recent launch of North Korea’s Hwasong-18, an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) equipped with a solid fuel engine, has ignited discussions about the role Russia may be playing in dealing with the nuclear-armed nation. According to a report released by the Center […]

Ukrainian Forces Making Steady Progress in Eastern Offensive, Regaining Control of Key Town

Ukrainian Military Advances Slowly But Steadily in Eastern Region, Bakhmut Ukrainian military officials announced on June 28 their cautious yet persistent progress in the eastern and southeastern regions, with a particular focus on the strategic town of Bakhmut. The accompanying image showcases Ukrainian soldiers stationed near Bakhmut. The army, as per a video released on […]

Russia has weapons that can destroy the United States = the President’s aides | Reuters

Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, who is a close aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that Russia has weapons capable of destroying any enemy, including the United States, in the event of an existential crisis warned of underestimation Russian nuclear power. Photo provided (2023 Reuters) MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia has weapons capable of destroying […]

Ukrainian soldiers perform well in Leopard 2 training, to be put into battle soon | Reuters

A German Leopard 2 main battle tank piloted by a Ukrainian army soldier fires at a target during a European Union (EU) military drill for Ukraine in Bergen, northern Germany, March 14. repeating exercises. Pictured is a training Leopard 2 tank by the Bundeswehr. Photo provided (2023 REUTERS/Bundeswehr) BERGEN TRAINING RANGE, Germany (Reuters) – German-made […]

Iran to buy a world-class fighter from Russia Strengthening military ties | Reuters

Iran has reached an agreement to buy the Sukhoi-35, a state-of-the-art fighter jet, from Russia, state-run Iranian television said on Thursday, citing Iran’s mission to the United Nations. A file photo of a Sukhoi 35, taken in Russia, August 2021. (Reuters/Maxim Shemetov) DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran has reached an agreement to buy Russia’s newest Sukhoi-35 […]

Focus: China warns Ukraine war “thorough research”, wary of Starlink | Reuters

BEIJING/HONG KONG (Reuters) – What China needs is the ability to shoot down Starlink low-orbit satellites and protect tanks and helicopters from Javelin anti-tank missiles. in Ukraine as they plan for a possible armed conflict with US-led forces. March 8 China needs the ability to shoot down Starlink satellites in low Earth orbit and protect […]

[Llygad y Farchnad]Stocks: Nikkei Stock Average Rises, Retail Sales Expected to Recover Strong in China, Related Stocks Strong | Reuters

[東京 3日 ロイター] – <10:40> 日経平均は上げ幅拡大、小売り堅調 中国復調期待で関連株もしっ かり 日経平均は上げ幅を拡大している。一時300円超高に上昇した。指数寄与度の高い ファーストリテイリングが3%高程度で堅調に推移し、指数を80円程度、押し 上げている。 小売各社の2月の月次売上高が堅調なことを受けて物色されており、市場では「人流 回復など経済正常化の効果が出てきているようだ」(国内証券のストラテジスト)との声 が聞かれる。エービーシー・マートやアダストリアは3%超高で推移し ている。 ファナックや安川電機もしっかりとなっており「中国景気の回復へ の期待感は強い」(別の国内証券のストラテジスト)との見方が出ていた。 業種別には、海運業を除く32業種が上昇。値上がり率上位には精密機器や卸売業、 化学工業などが入っている。 <09:06> 日経平均は反発で寄り付く、米株高が支援 半導体やファーストリ テ堅調 寄り付きの東京株式市場で日経平均は、前営業日比184円39銭高の2万7683 円26銭と、反発してスタートした。前日の米株高を好感する形で買いが先行した。 前日に売られた半導体株の一角が底堅く、指数寄与度の高い銘柄もしっかり。半導体 関連ではアドバンテストが小高い、東京エレクトロンは軟調。ファース トリテイリングは3%超高となっている。 <08:29> 寄り前の板状況、ニッコンHDは買い優勢 関西ペイントが売り 優勢 東証プライム市場の寄り前の板状況では、買い優勢と売り優勢のそれぞれ上位銘柄群 は以下の通り。 買い優勢 銘柄名 騰落 MID気 買気 売気 終値 率 配 配 配 1 ニッコンHLDG 9% 2,750 2,749 2,750 2,520 2 岩崎通信機 9% 860 859 860 789 3 藤森工業 5% 3,335 […]