
Dangers of Excessive Sun Exposure and How to Protect Yourself

Sun|Source: mid-tripSunlight is indispensable for us. Produces vitamin D, promotes serotonin secretion, energizes the body and increases metabolism through these actions. However, if taken in excess, it becomes poisonous. Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause various health problems, including skin cancer. Problems caused by excessive exposure to sunlightFirst, excessive sun exposure increases the risk of […]

Understanding the Dangers of Corneal Damage and How to Safeguard Your Vision

Protecting Your Vision: Understanding Corneal Damage It’s often said that we don’t fully realize the value of our health until it’s compromised. Our eyes and vision are no exception to this, and taking care of them is essential for a happy and healthy life. In collaboration with medical experts, we aim to provide valuable health […]

The Science Behind Actress Kim Yoo-jung’s Burst Veins: Causes and Prevention

Actress Kim Yoo-jung Experiences Subconjunctival Hemorrhage at Recent Event Technical Term Explained At a recent event, actress Kim Yoo-jung was seen with a burst blood vessel in her eye, causing the white of her eye to turn red. This phenomenon, known as subconjunctival hemorrhage, occurs when the blood vessels in the eye burst, resulting in […]

For healthy water play…the rules must be followed [건강톡톡]

‘Playing in the water’ is disappointing when you fall into the summer holidays. Enjoyable play in the water makes us look forward to the summer, but we must be careful as it can damage our health. Together with Haidac experts, we learned what to keep in mind for fun and healthy water play. Playing in […]