
Breakthrough Discovery: Simple Blood Test Detects Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Announcement from a research team at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden… “The amount should be around 270,000 won.” ↑ Blood sample data screen, not directly related to the article / Photo = MBN Research has shown that signs of Alzheimer’s can be identified with a simple blood test. According to foreign media such as […]

Cassandra 1.24-1.30 Horoscope: Your Weekly Forecast by Sign

Original title: Cassandra 1.24-1.30 Horoscope for this week Original article: Cassandra Tyndall Translation: @chaldeachaldean [Aries]Translator: @help hates changing names Compared to previous years, I am now more comfortable in my personal career field. You have paid a lot of training and fought a lot of battles, and these experiences have made you stronger. From a […]

Introducing KEEN’s KNX LACE: Eco-friendly and Comfortable Packable Sneakers

KEEN has released KNX LACE, a pair of European designed sneakers that are packable and easy to carry, and so comfortable to wear with bare feet. The price is 16,500 yen. Sneakers with effortless style that are easy to wear every day. The upper is made from eco-friendly tanned leather. A thin sole is used […]

Plant-Based Proteins: Key to Healthy Aging for Middle-Aged Women

Middle-aged women who consume “plant-based proteins” are 50% more likely to be healthy. ↑ Photo = Getty Image Bank To stay healthy in old age, you need to consume plenty of protein starting in middle age. However, you shouldn’t eat a lot of meat. That’s because women who consume more protein from plant-based foods instead […]

The Irreversible States of Life: A Man’s Dilemma

Man’s dilemma 39 Three irreversible states of life   There are three irreversible states of life: getting sick, buying a house, getting married and having children. These three choices equate to negative equity for career movers.   ▋1. Sick   Almost everyone knows this, feeling sick leaves you without the energy to do the things […]

Unlocking the Meaning of Human Existence: A Review of ‘Why We Exist’

Loan They teach you how to borrow e-books from libraries nationwide The book “Why We Exist” explores a big question: the meaning of human existence. The author uses easy-to-understand language to get us to think about this issue. The author first introduces the origin and evolution of human beings, and then analyzes the development of […]

The Surprising Health Benefits of Strong Thighs

The many benefits of strong thighs… Arthritis prevention, fall prevention, improved brain function Posted 2024.01.18 06:55 Views 31 Posted 2024.01.18 06:55 Modified 2024.01.17 18:12 Views 31 Some people may be concerned about having strong thighs, but in reality, having strong thighs can provide various health benefits. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Some people may be concerned about having strong thighs, […]