
Beth-1 Model: Revolutionizing Vaccine Development for Influenza Viruses

The Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong has developed an accurate “beth-1” computational model capable of precisely predicting the genetic evolution of influenza viruses and providing important support for the design and production of vaccines. It is expected to significantly improve the effectiveness of influenza vaccines. This model The research was […]

PS5 Pro Trinity: Top 5 Changes and Specs Leak

Recent foreign media reports have mentioned that the PS5 Pro, codenamed Trinity, will be launched later this year. Although the PS5 Pro launch is still more than six months away, PS5 Pro specs have already leaked. Now we will integrate the main changes of PS5 Pro 5 for everyone so that everyone can understand them […]

How to Automatically Put Unzipped Files in Recycle Bin: Tips from Mac Fan TV

Mac Fan is a long-standing Apple magazine founded in 1993. It covers a wide range of information, from basic usage to in-depth how-to articles, as well as the latest information about Apple. Here we will provide tips distributed on Mac Fan YouTube channel “Mac Fan TV”. We will introduce helpful techniques such as “Can you […]

Unboxing My Father’s NEC Notebook from 1995: A Blast from the Past!

Nowadays, many people already have desktop or notebook computers, so they probably don’t think that this electronic product is anything special. However, in 1995, notebooks were a relatively niche gadget, so I believe that some Japanese netizens recently released The notebook was their father’s unearthed in 1995, and it should bring a lot of freshness […]

Apple’s New Touch Screen Patent Signals Future MacBook Innovation

(Photo/Bloomberg) Apple’s MacBook laptop series has never launched a model with a touch screen. However, according to a list recently published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple recently obtained a new patented technology for touch screen displays, which will be used in future new MacBook notebook devices. According to a foreign […]