
Lucy Spacecraft Successfully Photographs Dinkinesi: Unveiling Ancient Secrets of the Solar System

Successful Close-Up Photography of Dinkinesi: Unveiling Ancient Relics of the Solar System By Kim In-han | Money Today Reporter | November 2, 2023 The spaceship ‘Lucy’ recently accomplished a remarkable feat by flying in close proximity to the asteroid ‘Dinkinesh’, situated between Mars and Jupiter. Despite its fleeting encounter, Lucy’s flyby showcased America’s technological prowess […]

Discovery: Mars’ Inner Core Contains Liquid Iron, Says New Study

Astounding Discovery: Mars’s Inner Core Revealed to Be Liquid An international team of researchers, spearheaded by Jessica Irving, a distinguished professor in the esteemed Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK, has unveiled a groundbreaking revelation about the enigmatic Red Planet. Through an exhaustive analysis of seismic waves, they have conclusively established, […]

New Research Reveals Tectonic Activity as Cause of Largest Recorded Earthquake on Mars

Scientists Discover Tectonic Activity as the Cause of Largest Recorded Earthquake on Mars October 22, 2023 Research conducted by NASA’s Mars probe “InSight” has uncovered groundbreaking evidence pointing to tectonic activity as the cause behind the largest earthquake ever recorded on Mars. On May 4, 2022, an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.7 was detected, […]

Mars’ Largest Recorded Earthquake Reveals Surprising Cause, Scientists Say

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the seismic activity on Mars. NASA’s Mars probe “InSight” detected a magnitude 4.7 earthquake on May 4, 2022, marking the largest earthquake ever recorded on the red planet. While this magnitude may be considered moderate by Earth standards, it is intense for our planetary neighbor. Initially, it was […]

Uncovering Mars’ Quakes: InSight’s Discovery Sheds Light on Martian Seismic Activity

NASA’s InSight Probe Detects Earthquake on Mars In a remarkable discovery, NASA’s InSight lander probe detected a significant earthquake on Mars on May 4, 2022, with a magnitude of about 4.7. While this magnitude is considered small compared to earthquakes on Earth, it is quite remarkable for a planet without active tectonic plates like Mars. […]

New Research Reveals Cause of Largest Recorded Marsquake: Structural Force, Not Meteorite Impact

NASA’s InSight Probe Discovers Surprising Cause of Mars’ Largest Recorded Earthquake International Research Team Finds No Evidence of Meteorite Impact ▲ NASA’s geological exploration probe, InSight, was covered in dust from the planet In a groundbreaking revelation, a recent study led by Professor Benjamin Fernando from the prestigious University of Oxford has shed light on […]

NASA’s Ingenuity Micro-Helicopter Sets New Flight Altitude Record on Mars

NASA’s Ingenuity micro-helicopter achieves new flight altitude record on Mars By Kim In-han, Money Today Reporter In a groundbreaking feat, NASA’s Ingenuity micro-helicopter has reached a new milestone by soaring 20 meters in the Martian sky. This remarkable invention marks the first-ever powered flight on another planet. Despite facing a communication setback for 63 days, […]