
Managing Fever in Children: When to Seek Medical Treatment

If the fever is not high, it can be resolved with fever reducers. If the newborn’s temperature is above 38°C, medical treatment is required. When a child has a high fever he doesn’t know what to do immediately, so he runs to the emergency room. In fact, approximately 70% of pediatric patients who come to […]

Fusarium Solani Outbreak: Nine Deaths Reported in New England Journal of Medicine

Nine deaths due to Fusarium solani fungal infection reported in the New England Journal of Medicine Posted on 14.02.2024 at 15:09 Posted on 14.02.2024 at 15:09 Views 66 A report has been released showing that nine people have died from meningitis caused by a fungus called Fusarium solani. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]A report has been released showing that […]

Understanding Otitis Media in Children: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Title: Otitis Media: Understanding the Common Ear Infection in Children Written by: Xu Yun Photography: Wu Minhui Acute otitis media caused by a cold is a prevalent condition in children. The Eustachian tube, responsible for connecting the middle ear and the throat, is not fully developed in children, making them more vulnerable to upper respiratory […]

Recognizing Meningitis: Easy to Misdiagnose, Difficult to Detect

Warning: If a child continues to experience fever, vomiting, and lethargy, it may not be a simple case of gastroenteritis or a common cold. These symptoms could be indicative of one of the most severe infectious diseases in children, which can be easily overlooked and misdiagnosed. It is crucial to be aware of the potential […]

Preventing Cognitive Dysfunction: The Importance of an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

**Title: Persistent Inflammation of the Brain Linked to Cognitive Dysfunction in Middle-Aged Man** **Introduction:** A middle-aged man was left startled when he realized he had no recollection of the agenda for an important meeting he had attended the previous day. Seeking medical assistance, he was informed by doctors about his cognitive dysfunction, which was uncommon […]

Increasing Cases of Meningitis in Adults: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

PD Kim Tae-ho, the producer of the popular entertainment programs such as Infinite Challenge, recently revealed his experience with meningitis on the YouTube channel ‘Fairy Jaehyung’. He described his symptoms, stating that he felt irritation in his brain and experienced pain and heat in his eyes, as if lasers were coming out. Notably, actors Yoon […]