
Yeongyang County Gears Up for Priority Project: Pumped Storage Power Plant

County Governor Oh Do-chang Awaits Final Announcement on Yeongyang Pumped Storage Power Plant In an effort to attract a pumped storage power plant, the largest and most anticipated project in Yeongyang-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, a general decision meeting was held on October 12th, attended by over 10,000 residents at the Yeongyang Public Stadium. This meeting, held in […]

The Importance of Baby Dental Care: Protecting Your Child’s Healthy Smile

The Importance of Childcare for Baby Teeth Do you remember the excitement of seeing your child’s first tooth emerge? The adorable little white teeth poking through their tender gums was a memorable moment. However, as a parent or guardian, it is crucial not to underestimate the importance of caring for your child’s baby teeth. Even […]