
The Power of Lemon: A Natural Way to Boost Weight Loss and Health

Lemon, which is rich in vitamin C and has high antioxidant properties, is one of the most popular dietary foods. [사진: 셔터스톡] [디지털투데이 AI리포터] Is there a way to lose weight while staying healthy? It goes without saying that following a diet using natural foods instead of common food supplements is good for the body. […]

The Ins and Outs of Vitamin Supplements: What You Need to Know

Winter Precautions: Choosing the Right Vitamin Supplements By Xu Yun Photography by Hong Zhifu As Hong Kong prepares for its first winter without masks, health experts are warning of an increased risk of upper respiratory tract diseases and seasonal flu outbreaks. This is particularly concerning for households with elderly individuals and children. Alongside getting flu […]