
Obesity, stress, fatigue…? This is what nuts can do for you

Nuts, which can be consumed as a snack, in smoothies, yogurts, salads, pastas and Christmas fillings, among others, contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that protect our body against obesity, anemia, stress, fatigue, premenstrual syndrome and bone weakness. On the website of the Government of Mexico it is detailed that nuts are those […]

The Health Benefits of Boiled Eggs Over Fried: Lower Calories and Fat

The Nutritional Debate: Boiled Eggs vs. Fried Eggs As we strive for a healthier lifestyle, the choices we make in our daily meals become increasingly important. Breakfast, known as the most important meal of the day, sets the tone for our body’s metabolism and energy levels. For many, eggs are a staple morning food due […]

The Effects of Sesame Oil and Soybean Oil on Blood Vessels: Finding the Right Balance

Understanding the Role of Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Heart Health Unsaturated fatty acids play a crucial role in preventing and alleviating hyperlipidemia, a condition characterized by high levels of neutral fat and LDL cholesterol in the blood. While foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as sesame oil, corn oil, and soybean oil are beneficial […]

The Impact of Food Combinations on Nutrient Absorption: What You Need to Know

The Impact of Food Combinations on Nutrient Absorption and Digestion It’s a common habit for many to start their day with a hearty breakfast of eggs and apples. However, while both of these foods offer numerous health benefits, it’s important to consider their compatibility when consumed together. One such example is the combination of eggs […]

Optimizing Carbohydrate + Protein Ratio for a Healthy Diet

The Importance of Carbohydrates and Protein in a Healthy Diet When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, the ratio of carbohydrates to protein plays a crucial role in achieving optimal results. According to the Korean Nutrient Intake Standards (2020), the recommended ratio for a healthy diet is 30-50% carbohydrates and 20-30% protein. This balance […]

Signs of a Calorie Deficit: When Exercise Requires More Food

The Impact of Caloric Deficit on Exercise When engaging in regular exercise, it is essential to ensure that your caloric intake matches the energy expenditure to avoid negative symptoms. These symptoms can include persistent pain, dizziness, and a compromised immune system. It is crucial to be mindful of the signs that indicate the body’s need […]

Unexpected Factors Contributing to Kidney Damage: Beyond Diet and Exercise

Factors Contributing to Kidney Damage Introduction It is crucial to understand the various factors that can contribute to kidney damage. The kidneys play a vital role in removing waste products from the body and regulating water and salt levels. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the unexpected causes of kidney damage. Excessive Protein […]

Shin Bong-seon’s Weight Loss Journey: Exercise and Diet Secrets Revealed

Shin Bong-seon Achieves Remarkable Weight Loss Through Exercise and Diet Control Shin Bong-seon, a well-known comedian, has successfully lost an impressive 11 kg through a combination of exercise and diet control. Over a period of 100 days, she managed to drop her weight from 65.4 kg to 53.8 kg, showcasing a significant transformation in her […]

The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Coffee, Beans, Whole Grains, Fish, and Nuts: The Importance of Physical Activity

How Diet Can Impact Inflammation and Aging Antioxidant-Rich Foods to Reduce Inflammation Incorporating antioxidant-rich foods such as coffee, beans, whole grains, fish, and nuts into your diet can help reduce inflammation. Additionally, engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for combating inflammation and promoting overall wellness. The Science Behind the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Coffee A […]