
Alone/Ozone Lin Jiachen changed after becoming famous!Sister Mian sees it: He is a big star | Entertainment | NOWnews Today’s News

▲Ozone member Lin Jiachen (pictured left) has changed and stayed the same after becoming popular. Sister Mian has witnessed her younger brother’s growth. (Picture/reproduced from Lin Jiachen and Mian IG) Reporter Yang Yingxuan/Reporting from Taipei 2024-02-11 10:00:00 23-year-old Lin Jiachen (Summer, Xia Xia) is the heartthrob of the first season of the show “Atomic Boy”. […]

Participate in Our Air Quality Notification Service and Win Starbucks Vouchers!

Seoul City Implements Air Quality Notification Service to Tackle Fine Dust and Ozone Seoul City has taken a proactive step in addressing the pressing issue of fine dust and ozone pollution by issuing regular forecasts and advisories. To ensure citizens stay informed, the city has launched an innovative ‘air quality information notification service’ that delivers […]