
Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Benefits of Citrus in Autumn Health

Traditional Chinese Medicine Offers Tips for Autumn Health In autumn, the fluctuating temperature and dry weather can lead to various health issues such as allergies, colds, and dry skin. Chinese medicine practitioners emphasize the importance of “moistening the lungs” during this season. They suggest following a diet that is less spicy and more sour to […]

Liao Dayi before the “Gate of Ghosts” in the seventh month of the lunar calendar: 4 zodiac signs worship 1 god to respond to requests- Life

Folklore expert Liao Dayi suggested that those who feel unlucky this year can go to Wanyinggong Temple, Wanshan Temple and other places with no gates and only three walls before the “Guanguimen”, and ask “good brothers” for help. (Provided by Liao Dayi) 2023/09/01 07:23 [Reporter Chen Fengli/Nantou Report]More than half of the seventh month of […]