
Silver Prices Surge: Is Now the Time to Invest?

Money Today Reporter Hong Soon-bin | 2024.04.13 10:00 [원자재로 살아남기]Raw materials ‘rally everything’… Money was also on board. Editor’s note | Stock markets around the world were shocked by the sharp rise in raw material prices in 2022. There are many investors who have nowhere to go, but on the other hand, the number of […]

[단독] National Tax Service collects approximately KRW 15 billion after special tax investigation of ‘pest specialist’ CESCO… Why?

[사진=세스코] It was revealed that the National Tax Service conducted an intensive tax investigation on CESCO, a comprehensive living environment sanitation company, and imposed a fine of approximately 10 billion won. CESCO objected to the National Tax Service’s disposition of additional fines and requested pre-tax review, but it was not accepted. According to assessment agencies […]

Wufu’s 2023 EPS reaches a record high of 7.87 yuan – Free Finance

Wufu’s EPS in 2023 is 7.87 yuan, a record high. (Extracted from official website) [Reporter Wang Yihong/Taipei Report]Wufu (2745)’s revenue in 2023 was 4.98 billion yuan, an annual growth rate of 1611%; its net profit after tax was 264 million yuan, turning a loss into a profit, with earnings per share of 7.87 yuan, a […]

Please apply for earned income tax incentives by March 15th… What are the household and property requirements for eligible applicants?

[소셜타임스=이원하 기자] Workers who only had earned income last year are eligible to apply for an employment incentive. In order to encourage the work of low-income households and actively support economic independence, the National Tax Service will accept applications for work incentives for earned income for the second half of 2023 from March 1 to […]

å¥½å¨ ï¼ è¼ é ”å¸‚å€¼ç¿»å€ è‡³2兆美元 僅花8個月 – 自由財經

輝達市值從1兆美元站上2兆美元,僅費時8個月。(路透資料照) 〔編è¯é åœ‹é‡’ï¼ å °åŒ—å ±å°Žã€•è ¯çˆ¾è¡—æ—¥å ±å ±å°Žï¼Œä½œç‚ºä¸€å®¶ä¸ Šå¸‚å…¬å ¸ï¼Œè¼ é ”ï¼ˆNvidia)花了24å¹´çš„æ™‚é–“ï¼Œå¸‚å€¼æ“ é€²1兆美元(31.6å…†å °å¹£ )俱樂部,而拜驅動人工智慧(AIï¼‰é ©å’½çš„é—œé µåœ°ä½ ä¹‹è³œï¼Œé€™å®¶ 圖形顯示器(GPU)巨é 僅用8å€‹æœˆçš„æ™‚é–“ï¼Œè¦ æ¨¡å°±å¾ž1兆美元翻 漲至2兆美元(63.2å…†å °å¹£ï¼‰ã€‚ è¼ é ”å¸‚å€¼23æ—¥ä¸€åº¦è¶…é Ž2å…†ç¾Žå…ƒï¼Œä¹‹å¾Œæ‹‰å›žï¼Œä½†ä» æ˜¯åƒ…æ¬¡æ–¼å¾®è» Ÿèˆ‡è˜‹æžœçš„å·¨ç„¡éœ¸ä¼ æ¥ã€‚è€Œè¼ é ”æˆ ç‚ºç¾Žåœ‹3å¤§æœ€æœ‰åƒ¹å€¼å…¬å ¸çš„æ—… 程,從1993年一家Denny’sé¤ å»³å±•é–‹ï¼Œè¿’å¹¾å¹´è¼ é ”åœ¨GPUçš„ä¸»å°Žåœ°ä½ ï¼Œè®“å…¶ ç™¼å±•é§›å…¥å¿«è»Šé “ã€‚åˆ†æž å¸«ä¼°è¨ˆï¼Œè¼ é ”GPUå…¨ç ƒå¸‚ä½”çŽ‡é€¾80%ã €‚ 請繼續往下閱讀… è¼ é ”21日公布上一å£ç‡Ÿæ”¶221億美元,連續第3å£å¤§å¹…高於é 期,並 é 測本å£ç‡Ÿæ”¶240å„„ç¾Žå…ƒï¼Œå…©è€…çš†å¹´å¢žé€¾å…©å€ ã€‚è¼ […]

焦點股》新日興:Vision Pro爆退貨潮 重挫逼近跌停 – 自由財經

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