
Mysterious Murder Case Unfolds in West Bengal, India

A strange murder happened recently in West Bengal, India. (Image/image taken from Pixabay) A strange murder happened recently in West Bengal, India. On the 30th of last month, some residents smelled a stench coming from the home of the mother and daughter and knocked on the door to inquire The mother opened the door and […]

Man kills wife in public; horrific crime caught on camera

å °å¦2å ç”·å 拎蒗妻å çš„é 顱在路上閒晃。ï¼ç¤ºæ„ 圦 å °åº¦æ–¼æœ¬å’¨ç™¼ç”Ÿ2起殺妻斬首事件。在15日有å å æ‹ å…¬ å…±å å ˆæ‹Žè’—å¦»å çš„é é¡±èµ°ä¾†èµ°åŽ»ï¼Œå ¦æ‰‹å‰‡æ‹è å°è¢«è¦æ–¹é€ ®æ •ç‚ºæ¢ï¼ Œå ¦èµ·å‰‡ç™¼ç”Ÿæ–¼14日情äºç¯¼ŒŠ»åµ 附迒的男å æ‹Žè’—å¦ »å çš„æ–·é 。2èµ·äº‹ä»¶ç•¶æ™‚éƒ½æœ‰ä¸ è·¯äºç›®ç ¹è¡€è…¥å 景。 æ“šã€Šæ–°å¾·é‡Œé›»è¦–å °ã€‹ ï¼ NDTVï¼‰å ±å°Žï¼ Œå¾žè·¯äºæ‹ æ” çš„ ï±çé ¾†è ‡ªå·´æ ‹‰ç 基ï¼Barabankiï¼ ‰çš„ç”·å é˜¿å°¼çˆ¾ï¼ Anil)當時一扉é å¤ ©åŒ–æ—¥çš„åœ¨è¡—ä¸Šèµ °ä¾†èµ°åŽ»ï¼ Œå ¦æ‰‹ 則拿蒗刀\þé¨ •å‰ ï¼ […]

Kolkata Resident Hospitalized with Nipah Virus Symptoms after Returning from Kerala

Man from Kolkata Hospitalized with Symptoms of Nipah Virus after Returning from Kerala Kolkata: In a concerning development, a resident of Burdwan district in Bengal, who had recently returned from Kerala, has been admitted to a hospital in Kolkata with symptoms suggestive of Nipah virus infection. The individual, identified as a 20-year-old guest worker, complained […]

They are holding on for dear life: some day saves

August 1964: 9 workers trapped in a limestone mine in Champaignol, France are rescued after 8 days. They were caught at a depth of 200 feet. November 1989: 65 workers trapped 120 feet below the Raniganj Mahavir coal mine in Bengal were rescued after 72 hours. 5 people could not be found. They were saved […]