
Tesla’s competitors! A shocked woman finds a motorcycle without a rider, speeding alone in the middle of the road look at the camera to know the truth

Tesla’s competitors! A shocked woman finds a motorcycle without a rider, speeding alone in the middle of the road look at the camera to know the truth The rider was staring at the mirror. before reaching the footpath Causing the car to drift along the road

Date 2 December 22 members TikTok @b.bestxo Post a suspicious clip After driving on the road, a motorbike suddenly passes by. but he was not a knight by declaring that “Rhythm on the motorbike, so I go without people. The moment was very confusing. #Ride safely and wear a helmet too. #Drive safe, don’t be careless.

In the clip, while the poster was driving on the road until reaching the intersection, he slowed down to prepare for the turn. At that moment, I was startled because suddenly a motorcycle was passing by in the left lane. but there was no rider before crossing the crossroads and running on the footpath


After the post is published Many people come to make comments. also wondering what happened So the poster came to answer that “Go take the camera out and have a look too. due to suspicion The motor cycle rider fell onto the footpath. Grabbing the car window and not looking at the road. and hit the footpath.”

At the same time, there were people who commented on the intersection being “Separate bypass, cooperative city 3 This intersection has frequent accidents.” and another person said “Actually, 5 months ago. Get hit in the face by a taxi and flee. Just pushing the barrel of a taxi here, but that day, the CCTV system of the royal system was broken.

Thank you: TikTok @b.bestxo