
There is no compromise on breast milk, alcohol and Didi Ma’s avatar, Uma aims for the Chief Minister’s chair

Uma arrives with breast milk and alcohol. Don’t ask which Uma, what Uma. There is only one Uma in national politics – Uma Bharti of the BJP. Uma Bharti is once again active in the public audience after a brief period of political exile. So Uma, who wants to return, has spilled some breast milk; Some alcohol included. Uma Bharti has once again shocked the political and social centers by revealing that she will be known as ‘Didi Ma’ from November 17 as per the request of Jain Sadhu Acharya Vidyasagar. It is also worth noting that Uma’s step towards spirituality comes after the stands attacking the Madhya Pradesh state government. What is on Uma’s mind? Uma was the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh before becoming the Union Minister. Are Uma’s moves aimed at that old position?