
U.S. to provide additional 4 “Himers” to Ukraine | Reuters

US Defense Secretary Austin announced on the 20th that it will provide Ukraine with four additional high-mobility rocket artillery systems, the “Himars.” Taken in October 2016 (2022 Reuters / Romeo Ranoco // File Photo)

[ワシントン 20日 ロイター] –US Defense Secretary Austin announced on the 20th that it will provide Ukraine with four additional high-mobility rocket artillery systems, the “Himars.”

Ukraine claims to have succeeded in attacking 30 locations, including Russia’s transportation hub, with a multiple launch rocket system provided by Western countries.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Millie, who is the head of the U.S. military uniforms, also said that Ukraine used Hymers to attack the Russian military’s distribution network and air defense bases in Ukraine. About 200 Ukrainian soldiers have been trained by Heimers, and none have been destroyed by the Russian army.