
Weather change Cause BB eczema Pediatric experts teach hypoallergenic milk powder | Headline Daily

Weather changed BB’s eczema broke out again Pediatric specialist taught hypoallergenic milk powder

The weather has changed recently, as well as being afraid that BB is prone to diseases, the biggest fear is that BB will get eczema again. Once BB has eczema, the smooth and delicate skin can appear red rashes, ulcers, or even watery, which makes parents very heartbroken. In order to treat eczema effectively, the most important thing is to find the source of eczema and keep it away. If a newborn baby aged 6 months or younger suffers from eczema, there is a high chance that he is sensitive to cow’s milk protein. to hypoallergenic formula or breastfeeding.

Three to five percent of babies and young children in Hong Kong suffer from eczema. When they come into contact with foreign substances with certain ingredients, the body’s immune system overreacts, and eczema can occur. One of the most common causes of eczema in babies six months of age or younger is sensitivity to cow’s milk proteins. This is because the baby is still young and has not yet understood how to walk around and explore different things. Therefore, the chance of eczema caused by external factors is less. The biggest possibility is that they are sensitive to milk powder. The chemicals can also cause eczema in babies.

Don’t Confuse Eczema with Ringworm

Eczema often appears on the faces of babies and young children, while older children can appear on the folds of the hands and feet, wrists and feet. The skin location will be dry and red, and in severe cases, it may become more watery. As the symptoms of eczema are very similar to those of tinea, some parents may confuse the two. In fact, tinea is a fungal infection, and its etiology and treatment are completely different from those of eczema. Therefore, parents should seek medical attention as as soon as possible to check and diagnose the symptoms. , in order to prescribe the correct medication.

To treat eczema, we must first determine if the eczema in babies and young children is severe. The doctor will check how extensive the baby’s eczema is and whether it affects life, such as whether the baby has trouble sleeping or even eating because the skin is so itchy. Also, check the skin for bacterial infection If the skin starts festering, it is easy to cause a bacterial infection and worsen the skin condition. If you have a serious infection, or even a fever, you are more likely to be in hospital.

Steroid cream is difficult to trim the tail?

To deal with eczema, doctors usually teach parents to clean the baby’s skin with liquid soap and water, and then use skin cream to keep the skin moist; if the situation is more serious, a steroid cream is needed. Steroids are the fastest and most effective drugs to control eczema, they can reduce the problem of secondary bacterial infection on the skin It is safe to use correctly under the guidance of a doctor. However, using a steroid cream can only cure the symptoms, not the underlying cause. In the final analysis, finding the cause of eczema and treating it can cure the problem itself. For example, if a baby’s eczema is due to sensitivity to cow’s milk protein or tobacco, but if the parent insists on not switching to formula milk or giving up smoking, the baby’s eczema will continue to appear. Only by finding the cause and staying away from the allergen will the situation completely improve and steroids will no longer be needed.

For children who have developed eczema for six months or more, doctors should learn more about the children’s daily life and eating habits, and try to identify allergens. Because when children get older, parents may start trying to let children eat solid food, or children start school, and have the opportunity to touch different items at school, these new things may be the culprit of eczema.

Switch to hypoallergenic milk powder as soon as possible

To prevent eczema in babies and young children due to sensitivity to cow’s milk proteins, it is indeed one of the ways for parents to feed their babies with hypoallergenic formula at first, but a better way is to feed the babies with whole milk as much as possible for the first six months. However, parents should be aware that as the taste of hypoallergenic formula milk powder is worse than the taste of ordinary milk powder, if parents want to switch to formula milk for babies, they should implement it as soon as possible, and it is very frustrating for parents.

Author: Dr. Shen Ze’an

Reprinted by permission of the King of Parents

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