
Killer of three mothers and children “I was fine, I lost my memory 8 years ago” gibberish

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A man in his 40s was arrested who tried to cover up the crime after brutally murdering his wife and two sons.

This man, who met with reporters while attending court, uttered gibberish, saying, “I had lost my memory for a long time,” and even made comments that seemed to blame’ r victim.

Reporter Kim Hyeon-ji reported.

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The man, who was hastily arrested for murdering his wife and two sons, cried ‘I’m sorry’ when he first appeared.


“I’m sorry … I was wrong.”

A man who faced the reporters again after two days while attending the court arrest warrants a significant examination.

In a different tone to the one before, he said that he had planned the crime two or three days ago and made a mistake.


“I’m sorry. I was right.”

However, when asked about the specific motive for the crime, he makes wordy words that he does not easily understand, and even makes comments that seem to rebuke the victim.


“I lost my memory 8 years ago. I found my memory after 8 years, but this time I had Corona and I remembered it.

When the man who has completed the warrant review is asked about his intention to speak, he changes his words again in a low tone.


“No. It’s not like that, I’m not that crazy.”

A police officer explained that “the man’s memories from 8 years ago” had nothing to do with the crime.

Among experts, analysis came out that changing words and gibberish could be a strategy to reduce the sentence.

The police decided not to reveal the identity of the man, but were told that it had little effect in terms of preventing recidivism because it was a family incident and the victim had to be protected.

However, in the case of Koh Koh-jeong, who brutally murdered her ex-husband, it is also a family incident, but given that the identity has been revealed, it is also noted that the standard is vague .


“The fact that it is a crime between family members does not mean that it cannot be disclosed unconditionally … it seems a little difficult to see that it moves with certain, clear standards.”

The court remanded the man in custody for three and a half hours after reviewing the warrant based on “the seriousness of the offense and concerns about flight”.

This is Kim Hyun-ji from MBC News.

Video commentary: Jung Min-hwan / Video editing: Kwon Ji-eun

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