
Number 10 drowned in tears Sports | Deshabhimani

They sizzled in the air, blue and white jersey number 10. An unbelievable loss for Argentina fans. Those who flocked to Lusail Stadium returned in silence. Not only on the field, but on the road, on the street, in the metro, in the bus, in the gallery, there were 10th graders. They were all quiet on the way back.

Everyone was full of joy in the ‘Jersey Messi’ on their way to the stadium. A good win was secured against Saudi Arabia. Those who came out to watch the Argentina game wearing Mexican shirts, singing songs and waving flags.

The moment when Nasser from Malappurat, Hussain Makta from Egypt and Phillip Martinez from Argentina came together. He was joined by Emilie from France and Surafa Wajito from Nigeria. There is no caste and no religion. Without country or language boundaries, they are Kotipadi Argentina…Argentina..

Small groups to the stadium. There is a community of Malayalis. There is a Latin American fan base. Everyone wants to see Messi and cheer for Argentina. Argentina were three quarters of the 80,000 stadium. In the beginning, the excitement doubled when Messi scored. There was a break in the atmosphere full of singing and dancing.

The Saudi fans in the stadium were also excited after scoring the equalizing goal. They were also full of singing and shouting. Second goal soon after. This time the Argentina fans put their hands on their heads in disbelief. The Saudi celebration began.

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