
“Reduce salt” a bit, reduce NCDs and “reduce salty techniques” in food.

salinity comes fromsalt and sodiumIn food, Thai people eat more than twice the amount of salt that the body needs.Drink about 4,000 milligrams of sodium per person per day. which is equal to the salinity level of the entire world, estimated by World Health Organization

salty tasteMakes it tasty, but it’s life threatening. As a result, the kidneys work hard, possibly leading to kidney damage, kidney failure, and leading to chronic non-communicable diseases. NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases) such as high blood pressure cardiovascular disease stroke Osteoporosis, paresis, paralysis

Eating too much salt carries a risk of serious illness, so you should know. salt reduction technique In food, whether you cook it yourself or eat it out.

(Cr. Nadine Greeff Stocksy United/

sodiumAs a component of salt, 1 gram of salt contains about 400 mg of sodium The body needs 2,400 mg of sodium every day If you get too much, it will be excreted through the kidneys. makes the kidneys work hard The result is hypertension. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.

Sodium salt (table salt) causes a salty taste and helps preserve food. It is found in seasonings, processed foods, crisps, MSG, which causes a salty taste. There is also sodium hidden in non-salty cooking ingredients such as MSG, baking soda. Nowadays, we eat sodium in every meal.

WHO aims to reduce sodium by 30% by 2025.

salty food causes disease : World Health Organization (WHO) Globally, 2.5 million people die each year from cardiovascular disease and stroke (stroke) caused by consumption. especially over the sodium limit That is, eating almost 5,000 mg per person per day of what is recommended should not exceed 2,000 mg or 1 teaspoon


from developed countries Get 75% of your excess sodium from processed meals and outside the home. for people in developing countries Medium to low income Eat salty (excessive) home-cooked food

WHO poll results In 2010, the world’s population was found to be consuming around 4,000 mg of sodium, setting a target that it must be reduced by 30% by 2025. where each country published its strategy reduce salt, reduce disease also


ready to find ways salt reduction technique in food and data collected on the sodium intake of the population in five countries: England, America, Australia, China and South Africa.

After collecting data in 2017, it was found that The British managed to reduce their sodium intake the most. partChina reigns supreme among salt eaters From the data, it was found that developed countries, good economy, people prefer to eat out. Buy prepackaged and processed foods The more you eat, the higher your risk of kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Processed food, sausage, bacon, high in sodium (Cr.

Another statistic found that Sodium is high in most processed meat and fish foods such as tinned beef, bacon, frozen beef, burgers, salami, cured meats, sausages, kebabs, baked chicken, tinned fish, frozen fish, excluding tinned fruit and vegetables. and various collars

Thai people – salt eaters are not allergic to other nationalities. Information from the Public Health Organization says that Thai adolescents have an increase in high blood pressure. And getting younger, now we see more and more patients with diabetes and blood pressure, just over 20 years old. When he started working at the age of 30, he began to suffer from kidney disease.

A recent survey found that Thai children under the age of 15 were eating 2-5 times the amount of salt, so they had to change their eating habits. Reduce salt, reduce disease. from today onwards

Different types of salt (Cr.

A technique to reduce salt: by modifying eating behaviour

Taste before cooking – no additional cooking or cook it bit by bit

Learn to eat without dipping sauce Thai people are addicted to condiments, chili, fish sauce, soy sauce, salt, various sauces, adjusting the taste gradually without dipping the sauce.

cut back on processed foods canned food pickled food

Reduce drinking soup – spicy salad. which have a lot of sodium

Choose fish sauce – low sodium soy sauce.

place the salt pan A bottle of soy sauce, fish sauce, out of reach, hard to reach.

Put the salt jar out of sight (Cr.

use alternative salt or alternative salt For example, powdered herbal spices such as garlic powder, pepper, turmeric powder, cumin, or acidic ones such as lemon juice, apple cider, ketchup, add a few drops to replace the salty taste without sacrificing the taste of the food. And you may get new flavors of food, more delicious.

alternative salt (Cr.

Gradually reduce the salty seasoning. If you reduce it a lot, it will make you feel unpleasant. Normally, people’s tongue will learn to adapt. If the salt is reduced by 10%, the tongue will not be able to hold the taste, so it must be reduced gradually, making us (still to be) happy to eat as before and well. health

Add a sour taste instead of a salty taste (Cr.

How salty to eat: It is easy to think that if salt is replaced with fish sauce the body should not receive more than 4 teaspoons of fish sauce a day.

and keep in mind that 75% of excess sodium comes from seasonings such as salted eggs, salted fish, sun-dried beef, fermented pork, sausage, Chinese sausage, bacon, cured pork to shred, fish sauce, soy sauce, shrimp paste, soybean paste, seasoning powder, desserts such as steamed buns, bread, bakery.


Sodium content in condiments to find how to reduce salt while cooking

1 teaspoon of salt = 2000 milligrams of sodium.

1 tablespoon of fish sauce (3 tablespoons = 1 tablespoon) = 1,160 -1,420 mg sodium

Soy sauce 1 tablespoon = Sodium 690 -1,420 mg.

Seasoning sauce 1 tablespoon = 1,150 mg sodium.

Shrimp paste 1 tablespoon = Sodium 1,430 -1,490 mg.

Oyster Sauce 1 tablespoon = 420 – 490 mg sodium

Baking powder 1 teaspoon = 340 mg.


sodium content in food

100 grams of salted fish contains an average of 5,327 mg of sodium.

100 grams of fermented fish, 6,016 mg of sodium.

1 cup (35 g) instant porridge, 900 mg sodium

Pickled mustard, 1 can (30 grams), sodium 1,720 mg.

5 meatballs (30 g) 640 mg sodium

Fermented pork 1 stick (15 grams) sodium 480 mg.

1 pork sausage (30 g) 204 mg sodium

4 pieces (30 grams) of Vietnamese sausage, sodium 227 mg.

Reduce salt, reduce disease (Cr.

Thai papaya salad with crab, sodium 1,520 mg.

Pork leg rice, sodium 900 mg.

Pad Thai, sodium 1,190 mg.

(Information: Assistant Professor Dr. Surasak Kantchuwessiri Lecturer in the Department of Kidney Diseases Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital)
