
“When I opened the door, there were three students in their underwear”… Shock ‘slave auction’

picture explanation[사진 = 유튜브 영상 캡처]

CNN recently reported that a video of a ‘slave auction’ recreated by a black student in a high school in the United States was released and shocked.

According to CNN, the video uploaded to the social networking service (SNS) was filmed at River Valley Public High School in Yuba City, California, and the original video has been removed due to controversy.

In the video released before it was deleted, when someone knocks on the door, a student in underwear opens the door from the inside.

Entering, I see three black students wearing only underwear. Twelve students are smiling and pointing at them with their hands folded and their heads down on the floor. There is also a voice calling for a sum in the middle.

CNN explained, “Students on the football team appear to be holding a ‘slave auction’ against their black teammates.”

The video quickly spread online and sparked controversy.

In response, Yubashi Unified School District Superintendent Dorin Osumi said in a statement, “This is an unacceptable and deeply offensive video.

He also warned that wrongdoing must be corrected through education, and that some students could be disciplined.

The school deemed that the students who participated in the video violated the school’s code of conduct and imposed a ban on participation in the game, and the team was also canceled due to a lack of players due to this influence.

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자]
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